Staff recruitment

美 [stæf rɪˈkruːtmənt]英 [stɑːf rɪˈkruːtmənt]
  • 网络员工招聘
Staff recruitmentStaff recruitment
  1. In future , staff recruitment will fall within the remit of the division manager .


  2. But69 per cent said the cost , availability and quality of housing in London was a barrier to staff recruitment and retention .


  3. Staff Recruitment and Organizational Culture Construction from the Perspective of Vocational Value


  4. Development and Test of the Enterprises Ordinary Staff Recruitment and Filtration Scale


  5. Staff recruitment and selection work in the development of enterprises occupy a very important position .


  6. Follow up recruiting process and coordinate normal staff recruitment and employment .


  7. Staff recruitment is the input segment of human resources system and is very important for any industry .


  8. Lead , Plan , conduct and coordinate permanent staff recruitment activities through different channel ;


  9. which helped me in the work I now do in staff recruitment and support .


  10. This paper put forward the compensation strategy about staff recruitment , training , performance appraisal and talent storage .


  11. Committee on Staff Recruitment and Training


  12. Yulin Eurasian automobile sales and service company staff recruitment sales advisor : 10 .


  13. On this basis , this paper proposes some suggestions to improve staff recruitment effect according to each fator .


  14. The paper adopts case study method , with the municipal engineering company as the research object , to discuss enterprise staff recruitment issues .


  15. In addition , some work plans such as that for staff recruitment could also be taken along for suggestions or advice .


  16. Pay attention to the fairness of interactive remedy to strengthen front-line customer service staff recruitment and training .


  17. Human resource is rarity , so staff recruitment problem is always to perplex the private enterprises that are in growing .


  18. Be involved in job fairs , newspaper advertisements , internet and headhunting . Committee on Staff Recruitment and Training


  19. Firstly , companies should be good human resource management and employee recruitment system to recruit talents , staff recruitment system for enterprise development has important strategic significance .


  20. Second , the adjustment of recruitment and employment of human resources college logistic system , using scientific methods and processes for the logistics staff recruitment , reduce labor costs .


  21. The " Labor Contract Law of PRC " has been bringing far-reaching effect on corporation management , and staff recruitment and dismissal of management is no exception .


  22. It was human resources management activities of the analysis , staff recruitment , staff training , performance management , career planning , as well as staff in various segment provides a strong basis .


  23. The institutions have a comprehensive innovation in the staff recruitment , institutional establishment , management system , and pay for performance . But as the important aspect of reform pension system is still in pilot phase .


  24. Thirdly , the paper study from he staff recruitment , training , motivation and performance assessment in four areas of staff management in " Big Four ", and analyzes the successful experiences which are worth learning .


  25. Organizations should establish the harmonious interpersonal environment , improve staff recruitment and training mechanisms , enhance meaning of harmonious management , increase employee awareness of work ethics , strengthen organizational commitment , and promote job performance improvement .


  26. Staff recruitment broke the previous recommend system , the new diplomatic system promoted diplomatic functions , specialization and made a host of diplomats give service to the front line of diplomacy over a long period of time .


  27. Combination with staff recruitment , the construction of reserve pool , compensation design , and performance plan , it constructs the framework of the strategic human resources planning system , and takes control to the implementation and evaluates the efficiency .


  28. On this basis , this article from strengthen concept of recruitment system construction , improve the personnel department management level , strengthen corporate culture construction and improve the management system , proposed the relevant measures to guarantee TL staff recruitment effectively .


  29. Moreover , problems such as low salary and welfare , imperfect system of staff recruitment and disuse , lack of professional training and unitary pattern of encouragement hinder the specialization of professional staff and development of NPOs .


  30. We can help companies obtain sufficient quantity and appropriate quality of human resources only through effective staff recruitment and selection , that will help companies form core competencies in human resources , and promote the healthy , rapid and continuity development of business .
